We manufacture helium advertising blimps for auto dealers in the USA.
Low cost. Reusable. Be Seen for miles! Drive traffic now! Uses very little helium. Performs great!
Try one of our Made in USA polyurethane advertising blimps at your dealership and see an increase in your traffic today.
Call 1-800-791-1445 to speak to someone who not only sells blimps, but makes them and uses them. Happy to answer any questions on the 3 primary blimp materials and why our polyurethane is best. We rent thousands of balloons and blimps each year. If there was a better blimp available we would make it.

Call 1-800-791-1445 in Cornelius to buy the Best Auto Dealer Advertising Blimps!

The best outdoor advertising blimps are made of polyurethane and that is what we use in manufacturing our blimps and balloons.
Why are our Auto Dealer Blimps Best?
The vast majority of the helium advertising blimps you see online are made in China using PVC. PVC is very heavy and porous as compared to polyurethane. Why would companies use PVC when polyurethane is available? PVC costs about 1/6 the price of polyurethane! You need at least a 20 feet long PVC blimp to fly outdoors without it crashing in even light winds. Our 10ft long blimp will perform much better than a 20ft. long PVC blimp and use about 1/6 the helium. This will save you a fortune in helium costs!

Advertising Balloons Comparison
7ft PVC balloon – 7lbs. 10oz.
7ft Polyurethane Balloon – 2lbs. 9oz.

Our polyurethane blimps lose about 1% of their helium volume daily.
PVC blimps lose 3% of their helium volume daily.
In pull tests, our polyurethane performs much better than PVC balloons. We purchased a PVC balloon and tested both materials.

Our 13’ polyurethane helium advertising blimp will perform much better than a 20 ft PVC blimp using less than half the amount of helium. Our 13 ft only requires 170 cubic feet of helium and you will only have to add additional helium every 7 – 10 days and then only a small amount.

The current price of our 13 ft blimp is $775.00 and it will save you money every day. BUT, it’s a smaller blimp! Yes, but unless you are trying to reach clients from 5 miles away with the blimp you will not be able to distinguish between the sizes. If you do want to go larger we have 15 ft., 18 ft, 21 ft, 25 ft, and 30 ft. blimps available. All of our blimps are going to perform much better than PVC blimps.
We started making polyurethane advertising balloons and advertising blimps over 25 years ago because we rented hundreds of balloons and blimps each year and were looking for a better option. We still rent hundreds of balloons and blimps each year and save a fortune using polyurethane balloons.
As I mentioned, we’ve been manufacturing, renting, and selling helium promotional balloons and promotional blimps for over 25 years. We’ve seen our balloons and blimps in all types of weather and locations. We are able to share money saving methods in the deployment and usage of our balloons.
Car dealer advertising blimps at your Cornelius location will get results!
If you are an auto dealer in Cornelius, I’m betting I can provide a simple technique which you can start using and get much better performance from helium advertising blimps and balloons that you use.
Give us a call at 1-800-791-1445 for the best Cornelius auto dealer promotional blimps.
For outdoor advertising blimps in Cornelius call 1-800-791-1445.
We specialize in outdoor advertising blimps for auto dealers in Cornelius.
Advertising blimps for Cornelius auto dealers. Call 1-800-791-1445 for the best outdoor advertising blimps for Cornelius area car dealerships. Affordable!